Can You Rent an Apartment While in Chapter 7?

Will a fresh start in a bankruptcy keep me from renting an apartment or renewing the lease on my existing apartment?  Here’s what you need to know about renting an apartment while in chapter 7 bankruptcy.

How do I find an apartment that will accept me as a renter even though I am in bankruptcy?
Many renters are concerned that they won’t be able to renew their lease or find an apartment to rent if they file bankruptcy. The good news is that many apartments out there that will accept tenants with a bankruptcy on their record. Landlords often even rent to people who are in an active bankruptcy.

What I can do to rent an apartment while I am in bankruptcy?
If you’re struggling to get out of debt and file for bankruptcy, it’s not impossible to rent an apartment. As long as you have money for a security deposit and first month’s rent, many landlords don’t care about your credit history.  Some landlords see bankruptcy as a positive factor because a potential tenant is more likely to be able to make their rent payments if they aren’t being harassed by their other creditors.

The most important thing is to provide accurate information on your rental application—surprising your potential landlord will not help your chances of renewing your lease or leasing a new space. If you’re honest with the landlord, your it is far less likely that your application will be turned down.

If you’d like to estimate whether you can qualify for bankruptcy, feel free to take the free Chapter 7 calculator below.

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